Asha Homeo organized this camp with Airports Authority of India.

#Homeopathic #health #camp 1-2 january at Indore Airport
Asha Homeo organized this camp with #airports #authority of #india.
Homeopathy is one of the greatest Healing science which can treat all the health problems accurately. Homeopathy is safe ,effective, side effect free and affordable medicine .
By doing this camp we raised some awareness regarding homeopathy in common public as well as heard some beautiful experiences of people with homeopathy.
In This Camp our team gave treatment to almost 40 patients at the airport including air passengers and airport staff.

During The Camp Asha Homeo health center's Team provided Free Consultation and Free Homeopathic Medicines for 15 days
For this, we want to give heartfelt Thanks to Airport Director Aryama Sanyal Madam for her support and faith in homeopathy.
During the camp, we provided one #Homeremedy #kit to keep at the airport which has few remedies used in common ailments like cold, cough, colic, joint pain, etc. The kit is available with the terminal manager for all the passengers.
#ashahomeopathicacademyindore #healthcamp
